
Fashion and Accessories Brands Reach Top Drawer

By Ricky Bean January 14th, 2015

Image L-R: Mark Fenn from  Microbiological Solutions; Carl Hasty from Smart Currency Business; The Brave & The Bold host Natasha Kaplinsky

Commentary by Alex Bennett, Fashion Business Specialist at

The successful inclusion of fashion and accessories brands in London-based trade show Top Drawer not only diversifies the trade show’s portfolio, but also emphasises the importance of design in the gifts industry.

57% of buyers from the previous show ordered fashion and accessories products, which led to this expansion. The fashion industry tailors its products to a wide range of target markets from a commercial perspective, and Top Drawer’s recognition of the fashion industry in the gifts market further solidifies the fusion between the two.

Fashion and accessories companies marketing products within the gifts industry need to understand how to schedule products for a commercial market – for example, around a year in advance in the run up to the Christmas gift-buying season – which differs from scheduling production for fashion seasons.

Alongside this, businesses need to schedule for the financing and resources needed for production, as well as for the logistics and marketing that accompany its delivery. Understanding the nuances that differentiate the fashion and gifts sectors – and knowing how to compromise between the two – can help businesses cut costs and improve productivity.